Who We Are

In an increasingly more globalised and digital world, having a clear cut and optimal online strategy is of utmost importance. The resources of larger corporates make it tough for smaller companies to compete and this was the exact reason that srchy was started.

In previous roles in investment banking and private equity, our founder spent a fair share of his time finding companies online. He observed that smaller companies were increasingly difficult to find. He also became aware of the huge amounts that larger companies would spend on online marketing, especially to gain a high ranking in search engine results. Which would only make it harder for smaller and medium-sized companies to compete. Because, let’s be honest, who really looks at results after the first 2 pages on Google?   

The problem for these smaller companies however is that they do not have huge amounts to spend on online marketing, let alone SEO. On a separate note, the founder always wanted to have a positive impact on the world, especially on developing countries. He then found a solution to help smaller companies while having a positive impact on developing countries. That solution became srchy.

srhcy partners with smaller to medium-sized companies and helps them optimise their online footprint and rank higher in search engine results. srchy provides their partners with the most competitive pricing policy, while maximising result. What enables srchy to do this, is their talent sourcing strategy. srchy sources high quality talent from developing countries, which is cost efficient but still maximises results. In turn, this has a positive impact on developing countries, as jobs are scarce there.